November 10, 2018

in News Releases

Sononym 1.0.3 + 1.0.4 - Release Notes

Updated 2018-11-21

A new release of Sononym is available, containing bugfixes and improvements:


  • Fixed: possible crash while exploring folders with special characters (all platforms).
  • Fixed: drag-and-drop behaviour when dragging file out of the application and immediately back in.
  • Fixed: export behavior for collections should never schedule more than one export.
  • Fixed: similarity search from the waveform player didn’t work with files from a collection.
  • Fixed: similarity search from a collection could fail when the file originated from an unmounted library.
  • Fixed: sometimes, the explore tab could show content from the home folder instead of the selected location.
  • Fixed: fixed an missing .dll file issue that affected some Windows 10 installations.
  • Fixed (1.0.4): similarity search could fail when having indexed files with 1.0.3 on an ‘old’ database.
  • Fixed (1.0.4): don’t create a copy when importing a collection which is already in the Collections folder.
  • Fixed (1.0.4): similarity search from a collection could fail when source file was missing.
  • Fixed (1.0.4): replacing files in a collection could fail when moving between folders.


Improved pitch detection

The built-in pitch detection algorithms have been tweaked and should produce more accurate values. We used a large collection of samples with known pitch values to verify results:

The illustration shows how samples are distributed across notes. It should be obvious that the changes resulted in more “spiky” and less overlapping fields (this is a good thing :-)

Update checker

Finally, Sononym got an update checker! Configure it to check automatically, or launch it manually from the Help menu. When an update is available, you are offered a direct download, and you can also “snooze” the notification. This is handy when you want to skip a specific version.


Head over to this page to download the release. Note that you can install this update on top of your existing installation: all configuration files, libraries and collections should continue to work as before.

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